Typical real estate commissions when selling your home and buying your new homesite can add up to a lot of money. Ask us how you can apply a large portion of these commissions to the cost of your new home and keep your equity in your pocket.

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There are many things to consider when selecting the homesite for your new home. One of the most important considerations is fitting your home with the style and value of the homes surrounding your site. If you build a much larger home than those surrounding yours, you reach a point of diminishing returns as to the value of your new home. Building a completely different style may also negatively impact the value of your home. This is more applicable in an area where most of the homes are the same style.

Another major consideration is drainage and/or flooding. Flood Zone C is typically your best choice when purchasing property for insurance reasons. View the site after a hard rain to see if there is standing water. Sites that drain quickly are preferable. Poor drainage may be a sign of poor soil conditions which negatively impact both your foundation and septic systems.

The direction of the sun is another consideration. For example, if you are planning a pool it is ideal to have the rear of the house facing South or West. A southern exposure is best for solar heating the pool in the winter and a western exposure is also suitable. If the rear of the home faces east and you are planning a 2-story home, the pool will be in the shade all afternoon and be very difficult to maintain the proper swimming temperature. Sun coming into the breakfast nook and bedroom in the morning might be a welcoming way to start out the day, so have these areas designed on the east side of the home.

Finally, check with the neighbors for any other information regarding the area that may not be noticeable. If the well water is brackish, or high in iron content, there will be some expense in maintaining proper water quality. A slight sulfur smell can be mitigated with a chlorinator at the well for a minimal expense.

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